Hey guys, Chaos Craig here to talk about my currents
obcession....Papa Nurgle.
The new chaos codex is upon us and just like loyd "I
desperatly want to make love to a school- (nurgling)" I decided to start with
the addition of plague bearers to my ranks. What isnt to like about these
guys....T5 feel no pain and oh yeah.....5+ invul? Most people are using them as
objective campers but dont forget that you can use them to aggressivly put
pressure on small heavy weapons teams,units of gaurd,fire warriors etc. Or
switch it up as.....a bunker for epidemius.
Poison is much better in 6th edition because of the re-roll to
wound. couple that with the plague marines and suck it t5 and t6 lists and suck
it even more t3 pussies.
For a kit this cheap games workshop has really outdone itself
on this one. I have extra heads, 10 nurglings and tons of random bits like gut
piles. I have never had so much fun painting my models as i did this one. You
can tell by the facial expressions that they had a blast being painted as if i
was tickling them with my brush. I still have to finish the plagueswords and bases and I cant wait.
So who else has been smitten by nurgle and what are you doin
to please him?